Vita Media Group Plans to Give Humanitarian Support to Ukraine

The horror that has taken over Ukraine could not be ignored by the gaming community. Vita Media Group has become the first iGaming company in the world to provide humanitarian help for the Ukrainian people. It has sent a professional crew to demine ammunition and mine-polluted fields.
Multiple cases of war crimes were reported by local and international specialists. Russian soldiers were hiding mines and grenades in toys, under furniture, and other unusual places. So it could take a small move to trigger the explosion unwillingly.
Jimmi Meilstrup, Vita Media Group CEO, said that it has been important to create a safer environment for Ukrainian citizens by removing mines and other ammunition in war zones. It’s not a one-time campaign. Vita Media Group wants to fund a series of initiatives in Ukraine, and it will work with the Danish Support Group Ukraine (DSGU) to ensure that the funding ends up in the right hands.
The professional crew will be led by Andy Gleeson, DGSU Country Manager, who has an 18-year experience in the world’s hottest war spots. His help is going to be a great contribution to the normalization of life in post-war Ukraine.
Ukraine has a lot of civil infrastructures completely destroyed or partially damaged. And the situation still isn’t under full control. The country receives incredible help from foreign allies. But it needs much more resources on the battlefield and in the public services.
The war has brought the need for immediate action. And this is why every little help matters. Let’s hope Vita Media Group’s will be of a long-term effect!