Lucky Symbols and Superstitions in Gambling: How to Attract Fortune?

Every person who likes gambling clearly understands that the outcome depends on pure luck, and nothing else. However, there are lots of superstitious gamblers who use lucky symbols to increase their chances of winning.
If you dig deeper, it turns out that fortune can be “called” in multiple ways. And there are even gambling rituals that presumably influence your success. Below we have collected our favorites that are used by players around the world. Let’s check them out!
Beginner’s Luck
One long-standing superstition in gambling is that beginners always win. Is it really the case? We can’t say for sure, but it seems like this one was made up as a trick. Once new gamblers start feeling themselves invincible, they start putting more and more money at stake. Eventually, they lose everything.
Lucky and Unlucky Numbers
Gambling is all about numbers. Which of them bring in luck? And which of them cause problems? In Western culture, the number 13 is considered to be unlucky and even scary. Players are especially worried about the number 13 when playing roulette. So they decide not to bet on it. In Chinese numerology, it is highly recommended to avoid the number 4.
Meanwhile, the number 7 is widely known as a source of luck. It is widely associated with prosperity. No wonder it has a special meaning for those who enjoy online slots and certain versions of blackjack.
Counting Money
You should not count money while sitting at the table. It is disrespectful to other gamblers who might be losing the game. And this brings bad luck to you.
People say that pride comes before a fall. Please mşnd that you will have more than enough time to check your cash as soon as the deal is done.
Whistling and Crossing Your Legs
Whistling is believed to bring bad luck in gambling. The origin of this weird superstition is not precisely known. But it could come up from England, as British sailors have always been superstitious that whistling brings bad weather. There is nothing that would prove this theory. One thing is clear – if you start whistling during the gameplay, you will earn a lot of disapproving glances from other gamblers.
Crossing your legs is another superstition that presumably brings bad luck. Being the opposite of crossing your fingers, the gesture literally cancels your chances of success. Interestingly, even not too superstitious gamblers try not to cross their legs when playing at the tables.
The Role of Color
Chinese people have always believed that red is the luckiest color. Eventually, this superstition spread across the world. Many gamblers decide to wear a piece of red clothing to increase their chances of success.
By the way, many gamblers use a color strategy in gambling. When they lose one bet, they double up the next one by wagering on the same color.
Lending Money to Other Players
Lending money to fellow players is not the best idea for all the right reasons. You don’t know when you will see your money again. But you also seem to tempt your fate. So, you should avoid becoming a bank to other players. Instead, you should focus on your own game.
Modern Rituals in Online Gambling

Some gambling superstitions relate to behavioral patterns that seal fate. They are still widely followed by modern gamblers:
- Gamblers shouldn’t sit at the computer with a dirty keyboard.
- Gamblers shouldn’t play with the sound on their mobile devices.
- Gamblers shouldn’t keep small coins next to their computers.
- Gamblers shouldn’t look at the mirror before placing a bet and starting a game.
- Gamblers shouldn’t continue the game if cards are falling down from their hands.
- Gamblers shouldn’t take the place of the gambler who has just lost the bet.
Forget about Superstitions and Enjoy!
Whichever superstitions you follow, if any, you should enjoy your gambling adventure. Having lucky symbols is not a bad idea if they give you a feeling of power and security. But don’t get obsessed with them. Don’t let them ruin your hobby!