Black Friday has become an informal shopping holiday. Giant discounts attract people around the world. Today it is difficult to say how much marketing is involved and how many real opportunities are on Black Friday. Brief History of Black Friday Contemporary historians link the rise…
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Congratulations to all football fans on the start of the football championship, FIFA World Cup 2022! In 2022, it will be held in Qatar. The final stage takes place from November 20 to December 18. Despite the huge corruption scandal related to the selection of…
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Halloween is a celebration that goes back thousands of years to the places where the Celts of Britain and Ireland performed their dark magic. It was celebrated during the period separating the two main seasons, summer and winter. The festival of Samhain, later Halloween, is…
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The name play-to-earn games already gives an idea of the nature of these games. In a nutshell, yes, gamblers can really earn money by playing them. This business technology is based on blockchain technology, where players can play a game and potentially earn cryptocurrency. Let’s…
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Online gambling became first available to the general public in 1994 when Lichtenstein’s International Lottery tickets went on sale online. With the rise of internet popularity, gambling on the web became more common, too, and it soon became obvious that online gambling needs to be…
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It is impossible to imagine any casino without playing cards because they are the main tool of many gambling games. The first cards appeared dozens of centuries ago, and have come a long way to acquire a modern look. It is not known exactly who…
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