Terms and Conditions

General rules

The Terms and conditions agreements act as a legal contract between the company that has the website and the user who accesses the website.

The website sets out rules and recommendations that the user must agree to. Website casinotics.com considers your agreement on the terms and conditions as a legal agreement in which you retain your rights to exclude users from the application in case they abuse the application and retains your legal rights against potential violators of applications and so on.

The Terms and Conditions are also known as the Terms of Service or Terms of Use.

The Terms and Conditions include rules and guidelines on how users can access and use our website. We want to help our website users understand your rules, requirements and restrictions.

The Terms and Conditions give the right to the website to terminate the access of users who commit abuse or to terminate the access of users who do not follow our rules and recommendations.

If users abuse the website in any way, the website has the right to close the user’s account. The “Termination” clause may inform users that their accounts will be terminated if they abuse the services of the website.

Users can post content on the website if it meets the requirements, the website can remove any created content if it violates the copyright. The Terms and Conditions will inform users that they can create and /or share content to which they have rights. Similarly, if users can register for an account and select a username, our website may inform users that they are not allowed to select usernames that have previously registered with similar names.

If the user wants to use casinotics.com website, he/she must accept and agree to the terms of use of the website. If the user does not agree to these terms of use, then he/she cannot access the Website or otherwise use it.

Our task:

  • Notify the user about the basic terms and conditions of use of the website. We give a legally correct message about the need to comply with such terms and conditions. The website recommends that you read and carefully read our rules and then agree to join the terms of the offer and, subsequently, their non-compliance on the part of the user.
  • Protect the owner of the service and the user from potential disputes and conflicts.
  • To preserve the confidentiality of user data with a reference to an independent full-fledged document that will settle these issues.

 Terms of use

The administration of the Website provides access to the use of the Website and its functionality on the terms that are the subject of these Terms of Use of the website (hereinafter — the Rules).

In this regard, users should carefully read the terms of these Rules, which are considered following the public offer.

 Status of the Terms of Use of the Site

  • The terms of Use of the Site regulate the terms of use of the Site by Visitors, as well as the rights and obligations of Visitors and the Administration.
  • The beginning of using the Site, including without going through the registration/authorization procedure, means familiarization with the rules and their acceptance (acceptance).
  • The Administration has the right to change the content of the rules unilaterally. The changes come into force without any special notice from the moment the information is posted on the Website casinotics.com or sending notifications about changes in the Account.
  • The current version of the rules is located at casinotics.com

Continued use of the Site after changes to the rules means acceptance of such changes.

User authorization on the Site

To obtain the right to use the additional functionality of the site, the visitor must pass authorization on the site.

The user’s authorization on the site is carried out:

  • With the help of connected social networks and does not involve the transfer of any information to the Website Administration, except for publicly available information, according to the privacy settings voluntarily set by the visitor in the chosen authorization procedure on the site. This information may also include email address (email), first name, last name, profile photo, age or age range, gender, language, city, country.
  • The login and password set by the visitor are necessary and sufficient information for the visitor to access our Website.
  • The processing of the user’s data received during authorization to the minimum required extent is carried out following the legislation.
  • The Site administration takes all necessary measures to protect the visitor’s data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.
  • In case of unauthorized authorization, the Website visitor is obliged to immediately inform the Site Administration about this.

Using the Site

The basic functionality of the site is provided to the Visitor free of charge after registration/authorization on the Site.

  • The basic functionality of the Site includes the possibility for the Visitor to perform, at his discretion, following the legislation and the terms of these Rules, such actions as reading, writing, editing Content, as well as other opportunities determined by the Site Administration.
  • The Website administration has the right at any time, without notifying the visitor and without explaining the reasons, to suspend and/or terminate the possibility of using the main functionality, as well as the services, unilaterally without compensation for any costs, losses, payment of any fines.
  • In the event of controversial, unclear situations, or sending the visitor any offers from third parties related to the payment of the right to use the main functionality of the site, as well as the services offered on the site, or posting such ads and offers on the Internet, the visitor is obliged to immediately notify the site administration about this. If the visitor, violating this provision, made a payment for the specified ad using the details specified in such an ad, the visitor’s claims against the administration regarding his lack of access to any of the site’s functionality are not accepted, and the administration does not compensate the visitor for the funds spent by him under such circumstances.


The website is a provider of independent information and recommendations for visitors interested in playing at an online casino, and are not a provider of online gambling services. Any information provided on the site is intended for informational purposes only and under no circumstances should be considered as legal advice.

The information and materials provided through the Website, any data, text, graphics, images, audio and video clips, logos, icons, software or links are intended to inform about the online casino.

Permission for any other use of the materials contained in this document, including reproduction and distribution of several copies, must be obtained from the Website administration in advance. For this agreement, the use of any such material on any other website or in a network computer environment is prohibited. All trademarks, service marks and trade names are the property of the owners of the Website.

Persons under the age of 18 cannot use the services of the Website. This rule is written on the website in connection with the gambling law. The company has the right to request documents from the user at any time to confirm their identity and age. The casino can also suspend the user’s account if she suspects that he is less than 18 years old. You will be able to continue working with the service only after providing the requested documents to confirm your identity.

Using the services of the site, the visitor confirms that he is 18 years old; he is solvent (if this is a paid service) and has provided truthful information about his identity. Also, the visitor is fully aware of what he is doing and is ready to part with his money.

By agreeing to our terms and conditions, site visitors allow employees to check their data at any time. If the player does not want to provide the necessary data, the work of his account will be suspended.

Changing the current conditions

The Website Owner has the right to make changes to the terms and conditions of use of the service. This can happen for several different reasons, for example, commercial, legal or reasons that are related to customer service. You can find out information about updates to the terms directly on the website, as well as find out the date when they come into force. The site staff recommends that you periodically monitor changes to the terms and conditions of the service to always be aware of updates.

If the user does not agree with the changes to the terms and conditions of use, he may stop using the services of the site. Further use will be regarded as full acceptance of the amended terms and conditions. If the visitor is not satisfied with something, the online casino reserves the right not to satisfy the complaints of such visitors.

Using the site

The Site and the Content included in the Site belong to the Site Administration and are managed by it.

  • The content of the Website is protected by copyright.
  • This Agreement applies to all additional terms and conditions for the provision of services provided on the Site.
  • The information posted on the Website should not be interpreted as an amendment to this Agreement.
  • The Site Administration has the right to make changes to the list of services offered on the Site at any time without notifying the User.
  • The site administration is responsible for the privacy policy: https://casinotics.com/privacy-policy/
  • Any of the documents listed in this Agreement may be subject to updating. The changes will take effect from the moment they are published on the Website. Any of the documents listed in this agreement may be subject to updating. The changes will take effect from the moment they are published on the Website.


Any losses that the user may incur in the event of intentional or negligent violation of any provision of this agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the communications of another user, are not reimbursed by the site administration.

The site administration is not responsible for:

  • Delays or failures in the process of performing an operation caused by force majeure, as well as in any case malfunction in telecommunications, computer, electrical and other related systems.
  • Actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and delays associated with their operation.
  • Proper functioning of the site, if the user does not have the necessary technical means for its use, and also does not bear any obligations to provide users with such means.

Dispute resolution

In the event of any disagreements or disputes between the parties to this agreement, a mandatory condition before applying to the court is to file a claim

The right of ownership

The website belongs to the website owner and is managed by him. The website administration does not accept counter-offers from the user regarding changes to this user agreement.

User reviews posted on the site are not confidential information and can be used by the site administration without restrictions.