UK Gambling Commission Gaming License

UK Gambling Commission Gaming License is considered as one of the most authoritative regulators in the gaming industry. Many online casinos are operating from within its jurisdiction. The presence of UK Gambling Commission Gaming License is not an empty word. Once players see UK Gambling Commission Gaming License mentioned on the casino’s website, they can take it as a guarantee of safety and security.

Updated on March, 2025

Casinos that Work Under UK Gambling Commission License in United States

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UK Gambling Commission

The UK Gambling Commission is a non-departmental body of the UK.

Government is responsible for regulating all gambling activities in the UK. This includes both physical institutions and online casinos and bookmakers.

In 2007, this body replaced the UK Gambling Council and took over the role of overseeing the national lottery in 2013. The UK Gambling Commission was established after the adoption of the Gambling Act in 2005.

The UKGC is responsible for verifying that gambling service providers comply with all the rules of the Gambling Act 2005. It has the right to investigate any offenses and initiate legal proceedings against violators. The Commission may issue, revoke and refuse licenses.

UK Gambling Commission Responsibilities

The main purpose of the commission is to ensure that there is no crime at the gambling venue. The United Kingdom gambling industry must be fair and trustworthy.

In 2019, the commission announced a plan to improve industry standards and provide additional public protection. It was announced that the commission will launch a public study and use the results to improve its effectiveness.

In addition, the UKGC can fine gambling operators for violating the Gambling Act. However, this is after a thorough investigation conducted by the commission. This body is also responsible for advertising local and national issues related to gambling.

It is important to note that a list of personal license holders and gambling operators who have a permit to operate in the UK is available on the UKGC website.

So, next time you’re looking for regulated UK online casinos to join, visit their website and confirm the details.

Types of UK Licenses

There are three types of permits for opening an online casino, which are issued by the UK Gambling Commission:

  • general;
  • personal;
  • personal-functional.

The general permit is intended for slots and sports betting. Personal is issued for small businesses, personal-functional for large and medium. Sports betting is not included in the last two varieties.

British players enjoy, perhaps, the safest and the cleanest gaming processes. This success is mainly due to the UK Gambling Commission, which oversees all gaming activities in the UK.


What tax rates for online casinos in the UK?

Operators and software vendors must pay 21% of gross revenue annually. Additionally, the UK Commission sets a fee for the use of the permit.

Can the UK gambling license be used to conduct gambling business off the country?

The documents issued by the UK gambling commission allow you to work not only in the UK, but also in other countries. The main condition is the permission of local authorities for online gambling establishments. If such activity is prohibited by law, the operator may be sanctioned by the country.

Do mobile gambling sites need to be licensed?

Only licensed gambling sites that have mobile versions are able to promote their gambling-related content in Great Britain. It is now deemed to be illegal for any site that does not hold a license in the UK to promote or advertise their services.